Family |
Status |
Compiler(s) |
Reviewer(s) |
Acoraceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
Aextoxicaceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
Akaniaceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
Alismataceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Amaryllidaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts (K, 2005) |
S.Kington (RHS, 2007, Narcissus), N.Friesen (OSN, 2007, Allium subgen.Rhizirideum), R.Fritsch (2006, Allium), D.A.Snijman (NBG, 2006), R.Marcucci (PAD, 2006), P.A.Silverstone-Sopkin (CUVC, 2006, Colombia), S.Brullo (CAT, 2005, Allium) |
Alstroemeriaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts (K, 2005) |
A.Hofreiter (2006) |
Alzateaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Amborellaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Ancistrocladaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts (K, 2006) |
M.Cheek (K, 2007) |
Apocynaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
D.Goyder (Kew, 2016), A.Leeuwenberg (Wageningen, 1999) |
Aponogetonaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Araceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
J.Bogner (Munich, 2002), J.Boos (2002), P.Boyce (K, 2002), B.Cosgriff (St Luis, 2002), T.Croat (St Luis, 2002), E.Gonçalves (São Paulo, 2002), M.Grayum (St Luis, 2002), A.Hay (Sydney, 2002), W.Hetterscheid (Hilversum, 2002), S.Ittenbach (2002), E.Landolt (Zürich, 2002), S.Mayo (K, 2002), J.Murata (Tokyo, 2002), V.D.Nguyen (Hanoi, 2002), C.M.Sakuragui (Maringa, 2002), Y.Singh (Pittsburgh, 2002), S.Thompson (Pittsburgh, 2002), G.Zhu (St Luis, 2002). |
Araliaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
H.-J.Esser (M, 2003), D.G.Frodin (K, 2003), P.P.Lowry (2003), J.Wen (US, 2003) |
Araucariaceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
A.Farjon (K, 1998) |
Aralidiaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Arecaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
J.Dransfield (K, 2003), S.Zona (FTG, 2004), D.R.Hodel (2004), A.Henderson (NY) |
Asparagaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
B.J.M.Zonneveld (2007, Hosta), S.A.Zona (FTG, 2006) |
Asphodelaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
L.Newton (Nairobi, 2006, Aloe) |
Asteliaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Asteropeiaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Aucubaceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
Austrobaileyaceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
Avicenniaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Balanopaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Barbeuiaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Barbeyaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Basellaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
R.Eriksson (GB, 2007) |
Bataceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Begoniaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
M.J.S.Sands (K, 2003) |
Betulaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
W.Bopp (1998) |
Bignoniaceae |
R |
C. Ulloa & R. Govaerts |
L.G. Lohmann (SPF, 2006 |
Bixaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Blandfordiaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Boraginaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
José Iranildo Miranda de Melo (Universidade Estadual da Paraíba , 2019) |
Boryaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Bretschneideraceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
Bromeliaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
H.E.Luther (SEL, 2005), J.Grant (NEU, 2005) |
Brunelliaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Burmanniaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
R.M.K.Saunders (HKU, 2005), H.Maas-van de Kamer (U, 2005), P.Maas-van de Kamer (U, 2005), D.X.Zhang (IBSL, 2005) |
Butomaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Byblidaceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
Cabombaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Callitrichaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Calycanthaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Campanulaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
T.G.Lammers (OSH, 2006) |
Campynemataceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Canellaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Cannaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
H.Maas-van de Kamer (U, 2005), P.Maas-van de Kamer (U, 2005), N.Tanaka (2000) |
Cardiopteridaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Caryocaraceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Casuarinaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Centroplacaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
Cephalotaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Ceratophyllaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
M.Thomas (K, 2002) |
Cercidiphyllaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Chrysobalanaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
G.T.Prance & C.A.Sothers (K, 2003) |
Circaeasteraceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Clethraceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Cochlospermaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Colchicaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
K.Persson (GB, 2007) |
Columelliaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Commelinaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
R.Faden (Washington, Dec.2004) |
Conifers |
R |
R. Govaerts |
A.Farjon (Kew, 2010) |
Coriariaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Cornaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Corsiaceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
Corynocarpaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Costaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
H.Maas-van de Kamer (U, 2005), P.Maas-van de Kamer (U, 2005) |
Crypteroniaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Ctenolophonaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Cupressaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
A.Farjon (K, 2010) |
Cyclanthaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
R.Eriksson (GB, 2006) |
Curtisiaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Cycadaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
K.D.Hill (NSW, 1999) |
Cymodoceaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Cynomoriaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Cyperaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
P. Jimenez-Mejias (2015, Carex), J.Koopman (Poland, 2008, Carex), D.Simpson (K, 2004), P.Goetghebeur (Gent, 2005), K.Wilson (NSW, 2005), T.Egorova (LE, 2005), J.Bruhl (NE) |
Daphniphyllaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Dasypogonaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Degeneriaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Didiereaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Didymelaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Dipentodontaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Dioscoreaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
P.Wilkin (K, 2005), L.Raz (COL, 2006), O.Téllez-Valdés (MEXU, 2006) |
Dipentodontaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Doryanthaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Droseraceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
M.Cheek (K, 2001) |
Drosophyllaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
M.Cheek (K, 2001) |
Ebenaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Ecdeiocoleaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Ephedraceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Eriocaulaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Euphorbiaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
F.J.Fernández Casas (MA, 2007, Cnidoscolus), C.Barker (K, 2000), S.Carter (K, 2000, Euphorbia), S.Davies (2000), H.-J.Esser (2000), M.Gilbert (2000), P.Hoffmann (K, 2000), A.Radcliffe-Smith (K, 2000), V.Steinmann (IEB, 2000), P.van Welzen (2000), T.Whitmoore (2000) |
Eupomatiaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Fabaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
For reviewers please see GBIF |
Fagaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
S.Andrews (1998), A.Coombes (1998), M.Gilbert (London, 1998, China), D.Hunt (1998), K.Nixon (1998, America), M.Thomas (1998) |
Flagellariaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Garryaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Ginkgoaceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
Gnetaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Gomortegaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Gunneraceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Haemodoraceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
H.Maas-van de Kamer (U, 2005), P.J.M.Maas (U, 2005) |
Hanguanaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Heliconiaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
J.Kress (US, Dec.2004) |
Helwingiaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Himantandraceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Hydatellaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Hypoxidaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Iridaceae |
UR |
C. Barker |
Irvingiaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Ixioliriaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Joinvilleaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Juncaceae (provided by I.O.P.I.) |
R |
R. Govaerts |
Juncaginaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Lamiaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
A.Paton (K, 2005), Y.Harvey (Leonotis;K, 2002), T.Navarro (C.S.I.C.Almería, 1999), M.del Rosario García Peña (Salvia, Cunila, MEXU, 2007) |
Lanariaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Lecythidaceae |
R |
M. Tulig & R. Govaerts |
S. Mori (NY, 2006) |
Liliaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Limnocharitaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Lowiaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Luzuriagaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Magnoliaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
R.Figlar (2006), H.Nooteboom (1996), S.Spongberg (1996) |
Marantaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
H.Kennedy (UBC, 2004) |
Maundiaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
Mayacaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
J.C.Jaszczerski (HUCP, 2005) |
Melanthiaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Musaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
Häkkinen (2006) |
Myrtaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
M.Sobral (BHCB, 2005), P.Ashton (A, 2005), F.Barrie (US, 2005), B.K.Holst (SELBY, 2005), L.L.Landrum (ASU, 2005), K.Matsumoto (KAMPINAS, 2005), F.Fernanda Mazine (ESA), E.Nic Lughadha (K, 2005), C.Proenca (UB, 2005), L.H.Soares-Silva (UB, 2005), P.G.Wilson (Sydney, 2005), E.Lucas (K, 2005) |
Nartheciaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Nothofagaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
Nyssaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
Oleaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
P.S.Green (K, 2006) |
Opiliaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Orchidaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
P.Bernet (Réunion, 2010), K. Kratochvil (Czech Rep., 2009), G. Gerlach (M, 2009), G. Carr (2009, Catasetum), P. Alrich (2009), A.M.Pridgeon(U.K., 2008), J.Pfahl (Florida, 2006), M.A.Campacci (Brazil, 2005), D.Holland Baptista (Brazil, 2005), H.Tigges (Germany, 2005), J.Shaw (RHS, 2005), P.Cribb (K, 2003), Alex George (K, 2003), K.Kreuz (2004, Europe), J.Wood (K, 2003, Europe). |
Pandaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
A.Radcliffe-Smith (K, 2000) |
Pandanaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Paracryphiaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Petrosaviaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
A.Radcliffe-Smith (K, 2000) |
Philesiaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Philydraceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Phrymaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Phyllanthaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
Physenaceae |
R |
C. Ulloa |
P.Phillipson (MO, 2006) |
Picrodendraceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
Pinaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
A. Farjon (K, 2010) |
Poaceae |
UR |
W.D. Clayton, R. Govaerts, K.T. Harman, H. Williamson & M. Vorontsova |
Podocarpaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
A. Farjon (K, 2010) |
Pontederiaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Posidoniaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Potamogetonaceae (incomplete) |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Putranjivaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
Rapateaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
P.E.Berry (WIS, 2005) |
Restionaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
B.G.Briggs (NSW, 2005), P. Linder (Z, 2005) |
Ripogonaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Rubiaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
M.Ruhsam (K, 2005), L.Andersson (2000), E.Robbrecht (Meise, 2000), D.Bridson (K, 2000), A.Davis (K, 2002, Madagascar), I.Schanzer (2003), B.Sonké (YA, 2005) |
Ruppiaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Sapotaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
Y.Harvey (K, 2001, Omphalocarpum), L.Jessup (2001, Australia), T.D.Pennington (K, 2001), W.Vink (Leiden, 2001) For more information on the family and especially specimen information, please visit the Sapotaceae Resource Centre. |
Sarcolaenaceae |
R |
C. Ulloa |
C.Hong-Wa (MO, 2006), P.Phillipson (MO, 2006) |
Saururaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Scheuchzeriaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Schisandraceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Schlegeliaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
K.A.Barringer (BKL, 2006) |
Sciadopityaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
A. Farjon (K, 2010) |
Smilacaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Sphaerosepalaceae |
R |
C. Ulloa |
P.Phillipson (MO, 2006) |
Stemonaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Stilbaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Strelitziaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Taxaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
A. Farjon (K, 2010) |
Tecophilaeaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Tetrachondraceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Thurniaceae |
NR |
R. Govaerts |
Ticodendraceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
Tofieldiaceae |
RH |
R. Govaerts |
Triuridaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
H.Maas-van de Kamer (U, 2005), P.Maas-van de Kamer (U, 2005) |
Typhaceae |
GR |
R. Govaerts |
Velloziaceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Verbenaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
S.Atkins (K, 2000) |
Welwitschiaceae |
LR |
R. Govaerts |
Xeronemataceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |
Xyridaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
J.M.Lock (K, 2005, Africa) |
Zamiaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
K.D.Hill (NSW, 1999) |
Zingiberaceae |
R |
R. Govaerts |
M.Newman (E, 2007), J.M.Lock (K, 2005, Aframomum). |
Zosteraceae |
UR |
R. Govaerts |